Taking one for the team...
A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to purchase a used pottery wheel from a friend. I jumped at the opportunity to throw pots at home. Little did I know that this new addition would result in the construction of a beautiful home studio and home office.
When I brought my wheel home, I carved out a space in the garage and began potting there. Although this wasn’t an ideal situation, it certainly worked. It allowed me the flexibility to finish work that I had started in the community studio where I took classes. All was fine until my husband announced that the restoration of his beloved vintage Volkswagon bug was progressing and the newly refinished car would be arriving from the paint shop soon. Even though I was happy for him that his “project car” was progressing, I knew this meant the time for pottery would be short-lived. Clay dust and a new paint job are just not conducive.
After researching several small studio options, I decided that with 3 teenagers (that would soon be headed to college), the cost of purchasing a studio for myself was more than we wanted to spend. I was resigned to the fact that I would just pull my wheel out onto the back patio when the weather was nice and pot there. My husband had a different idea.
A couple of weeks later, my husband pulled into our driveway with huge windows and a door strapped to a truck. We were going to build a studio! Over the following couple of months, my studio was constructed.
It is the perfect space for me. Together, we were able to create a beautiful retreat where I can work and play, conveniently located steps from our house. I am so thankful for this space. It has allowed me the opportunity, flexibility and inspiration to be creative.
Even if you are not able to build a new studio, I hope you find a place where you can be inspired, be creative and most of all be happy! Everyone needs a space that makes them happy!