Always remember...
Today is September 11th – Never Forget.
Never forget the heroes that put their own safety aside to help others. Never forget the sacrifices people made to do the right thing. Never forget the 3,000 people that lost their lives and the 25,000+ who suffered injuries. If you are old enough to remember September 11, 2001, you will know where you were on that tragic day when our country was attacked by terrorists.
It’s been 19 years but I still remember that morning. My husband was flying a client to New York City. I was shopping in a craft store. When I heard the news, I set down my cart and walked out of the store to go and get my son from preschool. I prayed for the baby that I was expecting and tried to remain calm. I repeatedly called the flight coordinator at the charter company my husband was working for. All I heard was “all circuits are busy, please try your call again later”. I remember how thankful I was to hear his voice and know that he was safe. I remember that not everyone was as lucky as I was. I remember talking to my father about how he could see the World Trade Center burning and how he stood helpless from the roof of his New Jersey office as he watched the second tower fall. It is a day in our history that we can’t forget and need to remember.
Today, I remember that it is Patriot Day. Today we pay tribute to all of the individuals that were injured and lost, the first-responders and the many who still work to protect our freedom. Today, September 11th, we remember.